Most churches increase attendance faster than giving. A church capital campaign with Ministry Renewal will shape a culture of generosity that lasts, engage many new givers, and resource the vision in order for your church to advance the Gospel.

Our team will bring expertise and clarity to your team’s pursuit of that God-inspired vision.

We listen. Then we customize.

The complexities and nuances of larger churches (and especially multisite) require much more than the capital campaign process of the 1990’s. Because we spend the majority of our work in these settings, we understand your challenges. Ministry Renewal creates and delivers innovative strategies for your church's benefit.

Our Process:

  1. Assess. Before charting the destination, it’s critical to completely know your starting point. Where are you? We dive in to understand qualitative (culture, history, context, influence) and quantitative (giving data, leadership input) factors. Your church is unique; so is the journey set before you.

  2. Collaborate. With your leadership team, we filter best practices and guiding principles through the discoveries of the assessment process. We actually customize the process with you to create a pathway for success. Most capital campaign firms (whether they put an actual notebook in front of you or not) run your church through the same program. Simply put: we don’t.

  3. Equip. The Ministry Renewal team consists of current and former pastors. That means something. We understand what it feels like to carry the mantle for your entire congregation. You will walk into every meeting and conversation with confidence because you are prepared. We will save you time and energy by equipping your team effectively and efficiently.


a few Current and previous clients...